Лабораторія гамма-резонансної спектроскопії з аналізом електронів конверсії, гамма, і рентгенівського випромінювання
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Лабораторії гамма-резонансної спектроскопії з аналізом електронів конверсії, гамма, і рентгенівського випромінювання
Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника Міністерства освіти і науки України
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Месбауерівський спектрометр MS1104Em з кріостатом + джерело іонізуючого випромінювання Со57, активність 50 мКі+ програмне забезпечення Univem | Отримання інформації про електронно-ядерні взаємодії в залізовмісних матеріалах в температурному діапазоні 77-300К |
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Аналізатор елементного складу сплавів “EXPERT 3L” | Встановлення елементного складу матеріалів методом рентгенівського флуоресцентного аналізу |
Основні публікації
- Zhyhailo M.M., Demchyna O.I., Yevchuk I.Yu., Rachiy B.I., Kochubey V.V. Preparation and characterization of uv-curable cross-linked organic-inorganic membranes. Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii. 2019. №.5. Р. 34–41.
- Kachmar A. I., Boichuk V. M., Budzulyak I. M., Kotsyubynsky V. O., Rachiy B. I., & Lisovskiy R. P. Effect of synthesis conditions on the morphological and electrochemical properties of nitrogen-doped porous carbon materials. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 2019.V.27:I.9. Р. 669-676.
- Tatarchuk T., Mironyuk I., Kotsyubynsky V., Shyichuk A., Myslin M.& Boychuk V. Structure, morphology and adsorption properties of titania shell immobilized onto cobalt ferrite nanoparticle core. Journal of Molecular Liquids.
- , KotsyubynskyV., BanduraKh., YaremiyI., ZapukhlyakR., FedorchenkoS. Self-combustion synthesized NiFe2O4/reduced graphene oxide composite nanomaterials: Effect of chelating agent type on the crystal structure and magnetic properties.Materials Today: Proceedings. 2019. 10.026.
- Kaykan L.S., Mazurenko J.S., Yaremiy I.P., Bandura Kh.V., Ostapovych N.V. Effect of Nickel Ions Substitution on the Structural and Electrical Properties of a Nanosized Lithium-iron Ferrite Obtained by the Sol-gel Auto-combustion Method. Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. 2019. Vol. 11, No 5. P. 05041-1 – 05041‑7.
- Yaremiy I.P., Bushkova V.S., Bushkov N.I., Yaremiy S.I. X-ray analysis of NiCrxFe2-xO4 nanoparticles using Debye-Scherrer, Williamson-Hall and size-strain plot methods. Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics. 2019. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 04020-1 – 04020-8.
- Abu El-Fadl A., Hassan A. M., Mahmoud M. H., Tatarchuk T., Yaremiy I. P., Gismelssed A. M., Ahmed M. A. Synthesis and magnetic properties of spinel Zn1−xNixFe2O4 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) nanoparticles synthesized by microwave combustion method. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Vol. 471, 1 February. P. 192-199.
- Gasyuk I. M., Vakalyuk A. V.,Vakalyuk V. M.Thermal dependency of Li+-ion conductivity in Li2O-Fe2O3-Al2O3 Materials Today: Proceedings, Available online 21 November. 2019.10.103.
- BoychukV., SavchenkoB., KotsyubynskyV., Khomenko V. Pure ultrafine magnetite from carbon steel wastes.Materials Today: Proceedings. 2019. V.6. Р. 270-278.
- Tatarchuk T., Liaskovska M., Kotsyubynsky V., Bououdina M. Green synthesis of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles using Cydonia oblonga extract: structural and mössbauer studies (2018) Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 672 (1), pp. 54-66.
- Bushkova V.S., Yaremiy I.P. Magnetic, electric, mechanical, and optical properties of NiCrxFe2–xO4ferrites (2018) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 461, pp. 37-47.
- Kotsyubynsky V., Hrubiak A., Moklyak V., Mohnatska L., Fedorchenko S. Synthesis and properties of mesoporous maghemite (2018) Acta Physica Polonica A, 133 (4), pp. 1035-1037. 45
- Bushkova V.S., Yaremiy I.P., Ilnitsky R.V., Dzundza B.S., Matkivsky O.M. Mechanical and electric properties of NixCo1–xFe2O4 ferrites (2018) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 10 (2), art. no. 02007.
- Yaremiy I., Yaremiy S., Povkh M., Vlasii O., Fedoriv V., Lucas A. X-ray diagnostics of the structure of nearsurface layers of ionimplanted monocrystalline materials (2018) Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6 (12-96), pp. 50-57.
- Bushkova V.S., Yaremiy I.P., Ostafiychuk B.K., Moklyak V.V., Hrubiak A.B. Mössbauer study of nickel-substituted cobalt ferrites (2018) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 10 (3), art. no. 03013.
- Grygorchak I.I., Budzulyak I.M., Popovych D.I., Yablon L.S., Morushko O.V., Boychuk V.M. Molybdenum disulfide obtained by template method as an electrode material in electric energy storage devices (2018) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 10 (5), art. no. 05003.
- Ostafiychuk B.K., Budzulyak I.M., Kachmar A.I., Tadeush O.H., Rachiy B.I., Lisovsky R.P., Merena R.I., Berkeshchuk M.V. Effect of thermochemical modification of activated carbon materials on specific capacity of electrochemical capacitors (2018) Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii, 16 (2), pp. 303-312.
- Mokhnatska L.V., Kotsyubynsky V.O., Hrubiak A.B., Fedorchenko S.V., Vorobiov S.I. Ultrafine β – FeOOH: The influence of synthesis conditions on the morphological, magnetic and electrochemical properties (2018) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 10 (3), art. no. 03029.
- Boichuk A.M., Hasiuk I.M., Ilnytskyi R.V., Lisovskyir P., Boichuk T.Ia., Sulym P.O. Diffusion processes in solid-phase systems based on the Fe-containing ion-conductive spinel matrixes (2017) Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii, 15 (3), pp. 477-486.
- Bushkova V.S. Influence of Cd2+ ions substitution on the magnetic properties of Ni-Cd ferrites (2017) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 9 (5), art. no. 05029.
- Bushkova V.S. Low-temperature magnetic properties of NiCrxFe2-xO4 ferrites (2017) Low Temperature Physics, 43 (12), pp. 1375-1381.
- Bushkova V.S. Magnetic hysteresis and curie temperature in nickel-chromium ferrites synthesized by sol-gel auto-combustion method (2017) Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 62 (11), pp. 992-1000.
- Bushkova V.S., Mudry S.I., Ostafiychuk B.K., Shtablavyi I.I. Impedance spectroscopy of NiCrxFe2-xO4 polycrystalline ferrite (2017) Journal of Physical Studies, 21 (1-2), pp. 1701-1-1701-9.
- Bushkova V.S., Ostafiychuk B.K. Electronic transport phenomena of electric charge in semiconductors Ni1-xCdxFe2O4 (2017) Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii, 15 (4), pp. 687-701.
- Bushkova V.S., Yaremiy I.P., Lisovskiy R.P., Karpyk B.V. Structure and sorption characteristics of NiCrxFe2–xO4 ferrite powders (2017) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 9 (2), art. no. 02011,
- Kostruba A., Stetsyshyn Y., Vlokh R., Mayevska S., Rachiy B., Musiy R., Zarkov A., Kareiva A. Sensitivity and accuracy of new ellipsometric technique for the characterization of ultrathin films (2017) Chemija, 28 (4), pp. 177-182.
- Kotsyubynsky V.O., Ostafiychuk B.K., Lisovsky R.P., Moklyak V.V., Hrubiak A.B., Hryhoruk, I.I., Zamil, A.-S.A.H. Plate-like LiFePO4 nanoparticles: Synthesis, structure, electrochemistry (2017) Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii, 15 (4), pp. 675-686.
- Lucas A., Mokliak V., Yaremiy I., Yaremiy S., Gasiuk I., Matkivskiy M. Mössbauer studies of spinellides of Mg(FexCr2-x)O4 system obtained by the hydroxide co-Precipitation method (2017) Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5 (6-89), pp. 56-63.
- Olikhovskii S.I., Molodkin V.B., Skakunova O.S., Len E.G., Kyslovskyy Y.M., Vladimirova T.P., Reshetnyk O.V., Kochelab E.V., Lizunova S.V., Pylypiv V.M., Ostafiychuk B.K., Garpul O.Z. Dynamical X-ray diffraction theory: Characterization of defects and strains in as-grown and ion-implanted garnet structures (2017) Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 254 (7), art. no. 1600689.
- Tatarchuk T., Bououdina M., Macyk W., Shyichuk O., Paliychuk N., Yaremiy I., Al-Najar B., Pacia M. Structural, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Zn-Doped CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles (2017) Nanoscale Research Letters, 12 (1), art. no. 141.
- Tatarchuk T.R., Bououdina M., Paliychuk N.D., Yaremiy I.P., Moklyak V.V. Structural characterization and antistructure modeling of cobalt-substituted zinc ferrites (2017) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 694, pp. 777-791.
- Bushkova V.S., Ostafiychuk B.K.Theory, manufacturing technology, and properties of powders and fibers: Low-temperature synthesis and characterization of spinel ferrite powders(2016) Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, 54 (9), pp. 509-516. Cited 3 times.
- Bushkova V.S., Ostafiychuk B.K., Semko T.O.Effect of Temperature on the Dielectric Properties of CoFe2O4 Ferrite(2016) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 8 (4), art. no. 04069, p. 7. Cited 2 times.
- Bushkova V.S., Ostafiychuk B.K., Yaremij I.P., Mokhnatskyi M.L.Effect of nickel-ions’ substitution with nonmagnetic cadmium ions on the structural and optical properties of nickel ferrite(2016) Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii, 38 (5), pp. 601-616. Cited 4 times.
- Bushkova V.S.Effect of temperature on the structural and magnetic properties of NixCo1-xFe2O4 nanoparticles(2016) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 8 (1), art. no. 01002, . Cited 7 times.
- Hemiy O.M., Yablon L.S., Budzulyak I.M., Budzulyak S.I., Morushko O.V., Kachmar A.I.Electrochemical properties of nanocomposite nanoporous carbon / nickel hydroxide(2016) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 8 (4), art. no. 04074.
- Lutsak D.L., Prysyazhnyuk P.M., Karpash M.O., Pylypiv V.M., Kotsyubynsky V.O.Formation of structure and properties of composite coatings TiB2-TiC-Steel obtained by overlapping of electric-arc surfacing and self-propagating higherature synthesis(2016) Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii, 38 (9), pp. 1265-1278. Cited 2 times.
- Bushkova V.S., Mudry S.I., Yaremiy I.P., Kravets V.I.X-ray analysis of Nickel-Cobalt ferrite nanoparticles by using Debye-Scherrer, Williamson-Hall and Ssp methods(2016) Journal of Physical Studies, 20 (1-2), pp. 1702-1-1702-7. Cited 3 times.
- Moklyak V.V., Kotsyubynsky V.O., Yaremiy I.P., Kolkovskyy P.I., Hrubyak A.B., Zbihley L.Z.Morphological characteristics of hydrothermally synthesized iron trifluorides with various hydration degrees(2016) Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 61 (11), pp. 1017-1025.
- Kotsyubynsky V.O., Hrubiak A.B., Moklyak V.V., Mokhnatska L.V.Electrochemical properties of mesoporous γ-Fe2O3 was synthesized by sol-gel citrate method(2016) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 8 (1), art. no. 01004.
- Kaykan L.S., Kaykan J.S., Yaremiy I.P., Ugorchuk O.M., Deputat B.Y., Nykoliuk M.O.Synthesis, structure and dielectric properties of magnesium-substituted lithium ferrite(2016) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 8 (4), art. no. 04066.
- Boychuk T.Y., Budzulyak I.M., Ivanichok N.Y., Lisovskiy R.P., Rachiy B.I. Electrochemical properties of hybrid supercapacitors formed from nanosized spinel LiMn5Fe0.5O4 (2015) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 7 (1), art. no. 01019.
- Bushkova V.S. Structure and optical properties of nickel-cobalt ferrite obtained by the sol-gel method with participation of auto-combustion (2015) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 7 (3), art. no. 03021.
- Kopayev A.V., Mokljak V.V., Gasyuk I.M., Yaremiy I.P., Kozub V.V. Structure ordering in Mg-Zn ferrite nanopowders obtained by the method of sol-gel autocombustion (2015) Solid State Phenomena, 230, pp. 114-119.
- Kotsyubynsky V., Ostafiychuk B., Moklyak V., Hrubiak A. Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical properties of mesoporous maghemite γ-Fe2O3 (2015) Solid State Phenomena, 230, pp. 120-126.
- Melnyk A.K., Trychlib V.A., Strelko V.V., Budzulyak I.M., Rachiy B.I., Trachevskyi V.V. Characterization of the nanoporous carbon material using EPR spin probe method (2015) IEEE-NANO 2015 – 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology, art. no. 7388986, pp. 312-314.
- Ostafijchuk B.K., Bushkova V.S., Moklyak V.V., Ilnitsky R.V. Synthesis and magnetic microstructure of nanoparticles of zinc-substituted magnesium ferrites (2015) Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 60 (12), pp. 1234-1242.
- Ostafiychuk B.K., Budzulyak I.M., Boychuk T.Ya., Ilnytskiy R.V., MoklyakV., Boychuk A.M. Mössbauer study of nanoscale fractions of the LiMn2-xFexO4 spinel fabricated by sol-gel method (2015) Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii, 37 (12), pp. 1713-1724.
- Ostafiychuk B.K., Budzulyak I.M., Rachiy B.I., Vashchynsky V.M., Mandzyuk V.I., Lisovsky R.P., Shyyko L.O. Thermochemically activated carbon as an electrode material for supercapacitors (2015) Nanoscale Research Letters, 10 (1), 8 p.
- Uhorchuk O.M., Uhorchuk V.V., Karpets M.V., Kaykan L.S., Deputat B.J., Boychuk A.M., Hasyuk M.I. Lithium ferrite as the cathode of the electrochemical power sources: The perspectives of sol-gel synthesis method (2015) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 7 (2), pp. 1-7.
- Kopayev A.V., Moklyak V.V., Gasyuk I.M., Bushkova, V.S. Structure ordering in Mg-Zn ferrite nanopowders obtained by the method of Sol-Gel autocombustion (2014) International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering – Fabrication, Properties and Applications, OMEE 2014 – Book of Conference Proceedings, art. no. 6912416, pp. 211-212.
- Kotsyubynsky V., Abdul Halek Zamil A.-S., Moklyak V., Lisovsky R. The influence of hydrothermal synthesis conditions on the properties of LiFePO4 nanoparticles (2014) International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering – Fabrication, Properties and Applications, OMEE 2014 – Book of Conference Proceedings, art. no. 6912359, pp. 100-101.
- Kotsyubynsky V., Ostafiychuk B., Moklyak V., Grubiak A. Mesoporous γ-Fe2O3: Synthesis, structure, magnetic and electrochemical properties (2014) International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering – Fabrication, Properties and Applications, OMEE 2014 – Book of Conference Proceedings, art. no. 6912348, pp. 79-80.
- Kotsyubynsky V.O., Moklyak V.V., Hrubiak A.B. Synthesis and Mossbauer studies of mesoporous γ-Fe2O3 (2014) Materials Science- Poland, 32 (3), pp. 481-486.
- Mandzyuk V.I., Nagirna N.I., Lisovskyy R.P. Morphology and electrochemical properties of thermal modified nanoporous carbon as electrode of lithium power sources (2014) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 6 (1), art. no. 01017.
- Ostafiychuk B., Deputat B., Kaykan L., Pylypiv V., Ugorchuk O. Electrochemical properties of lithium power sources with cathodes by mixed spinel oxides Li2O-Fe2O3-Al2O3 (2014) International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering – Fabrication, Properties and Applications, OMEE 2014 – Book of Conference Proceedings, art. no. 6912366, pp. 115-116.
- Ostafiychuk B.K., Mandzyuk V.I., Kulyk Y.O., Nagirna N.I. SAXS investigation of nanoporous structure of thermal-modified carbon materials (2014) Nanoscale Research Letters, 9 (1), pp. 1-6.
- Rachiy B.I., Ostafiychuk B.K., Budzulyak I.M., Vashchynsky V.M., LisovskyP., Mandzyuk V.I. The effect of thermochemical treatment of carbon materials on their electrochemical properties (2014) Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 6 (4), art. no. 04031.
- Shvets R.Y., Grygorchak I.I., Borysyuk A.K., Shvachko S.G., Kondyr A.I., BalukI., Kurepa A.S., Rachiy B.I. New nanoporous biocarbons with iron and silicon impurities: Synthesis, properties, and application to supercapacitors (2014) Physics of the Solid State, 56 (10), pp. 2021-2027.