The Faculty of Physics and Technology is one of the leading academic and scientific divisions of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. The training of specialists at the faculty is carried out in four professional departments, where 18 doctors of sciences, professors, PhD graduates and associate professors are involved in the educational process and scientific work. The entry into the faculty of a number of scientific units allows you to fully realize the basic principles of acquiring knowledge through scientific activities, which students have been joining since the first semester of their studies at the university.

At the Faculty of Physics and Technology, students are given the opportunity to obtain a higher education degrees of European level by “Bachelor”, “Master”, in the following specialties.

Faculty of Physics and Technology
Department of Physics and Chemistry of Solids Department of Applied Physics and Materials Science Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching Department of Computer Engineering and Electronics
Applied physics and nanotechnology Physics and Astronomy High school education (Physics) Computer Engineering Electronics
Educational programs
Applied physics and nanotechnology (bachelor)

Medical physics (bachelor)

Materials and Systems of Renewable Energy (bachelor)

Applied physics and nanotechnology (master)

Applied physics and nanotechnology (PhD)

Material science (bachelor)

Computer Physics (bachelor)

Physics and Astronomy(bachelor)

Physics and Astronomy(master)

Physics and Astronomy (PhD)

High school education (physics and mathematics) (bachelor)

High school education (Physics)

High school education (Physics)

Computer Engineering (bachelor)

Computer Engineering (master)

Computer design of integrated circuits (bachelor)

Electronics (PhD)

From 2019-2020 introduces selection for educational programs:

Applied physics and nanotechnology (major: applied physics and nanomaterials, educational level: bachelor), pdf

Computer Engineering (major: Computer Engineering, educational level: bachelor, master), pdf

Computer Physics (major: physics and astronomy, educational level: bachelor), pdf

Medical physics (major: applied physics and nanomaterials, educational level: bachelor), pdf

Materials and Systems of Renewable Energy  (major: applied physics and nanomaterials, educational level: bachelor), pdf

Computer Engineering (major: Computer Engineering, educational level: bachelor, master), pdf

Electronics (major: electronics,educational level: bachelor, mahistr), pdf.


Information booklet of specialties, pdf.